Nitewalk Design
"...out of darkness, site"
Nitewalk Design LLC · P.O. Box 72755 · Las Vegas · Nevada · 89170 · 970.481.1930 ·
Services Provided By Nitewalk Design LLC

12.01.13 - Last Updated

Greetings & Salutations!

To put it simply; I am a multi-faceted, multi-talented, extroverted and bold renaissance man who seeks nothing more or less than the opportunity to support other driven individuals and small to medium sized businesses committed towards developing solutions that positively impact our communities.

After spending nearly two and a half decades in Las Vegas, I relocated to Northern Colorado in the summmer of 2008 and then returned again this past summer. While an active member of the Las Vegas community, I worked in numerous professional industries with a marked expertise in smaller companies involved in entertainment, media and internet related ventures, usually as the executive in charge of technologies, often with additional roles in marketing, networking or other responsibilities requiring interaction with outside vendors and clientele.

I have developed products and managed relationships in real estate, casino marketing, television and film production, local politics, and much more. I have spent time learning through my various positions over the years in entertainment and internet companies, journalism, retail management, political campaigns and convention support. I also perform as a professional musician and entertain part-time working as a casino games dealer for a corporate events company.

SO.... How can I help you?

Specialties:strategic analysis, marketing intitiatives, vendor liasons, client relations, technology implementation, small business network administration, web site architecture, digital media design, internet application development, community networking, political canvassing, film production, sales management, investigative research, growth and integration strategies for expanding businesses.

If you are interested in learning more about my history, my formal resumé and a specifically targeted film/television production resumé are both available. Please feel free to contact me via e-mail and I will respond as quickly as I am able.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Brian Weiss
Owner, Nitewalk Design LLC

Note to my old visitors of this site in years past:

Sorry, folks. Once upon a time there was a pretty cool site here. I had stuff on my bands, a guide to alternative culture in Las Vegas, a bunch of my old writings, and a few other bits of nonsense on my past, my interests, hobbies and suchforth. The sad thing about the evolution of a life is that old ideas fall aside. Things that I once defined myself as, are no longer relevant (or at least, very hard to motivate myself to reproduce again, having lost the majority of my compiled digital assets in an abrupt server/isp move last year). While I imagine there may well come a day soon that I find myself piling through the backup annals of my digital life and perhaps even reconstucting some historical pieces for posterity's sake, I have given up pretending that day has any date concretely set in the future. I entertain myself daily with random thoughts of how I might again devote some time to displaying my wares on this small little piece of online real estate I have pitched my tent under for the past decade. Alas, until such imaginings become commitments, you will find little here but my brief, whimpering resignation to having an empty storefront to greet my once loyal clientele.

If you would like to make a donation to, or you have an agreement to pay me for services rendered, you may find a link to my PayPal payment gateway below:

Click the button above and make a contribution today!!!

So, if you want to hire me or encourage me to return to my online artistic, creative and cultural pursuits,
by all means, drop a line and tell me so!!!
(err.. or don't. It's your life, live it. If I wasn't so busy living mine, perhaps this site would have more on it)

As always, I am Thanks for stopping by!

Nitewalk Design LLC · P.O. Box 72755 · Las Vegas · Nevada · 89170 · 970.481.1930 · 970.669.1559 fx ·